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Summer 2024 Construction Update

Take a look at how the construction from the Terminal Modernization Program has progressed in our latest update video.

Construction Updates

2 min read

Jun 12, 2024

This Build OMA Terminal Modernization Program construction update will provide you a look at the latest developments and upcoming plans for Eppley Airfield (OMA).

In this video, we cover:

  • Terminal Drive & Canopy Project construction
  • Information on arrival pick-up, departure drop-off and ride app areas
  • What to expect as you travel through the terminal
  • A brief look at developments that will be happening soon

Transforming Eppley Airfield (OMA) into the best airport in the Midwest will be carried out in phases across the next several years. Estimated to be complete in 2028, this comprehensive project will touch every corner of the terminal building to provide benefits designed to enable growth, meet the expectations of today’s travelers and enhance Eppley Airfield for decades to come.